Some students may choose sunny tropical destinations with all inclusive benefits (a.k.a. all you can eat and drink) for one flat rate-not including airfare, with out ever having to leave the touristy confines of their palapa. Others take a more financially saavy route and head north to a family friend's camp to ski and sleep the days away. Even simply staying at school or traveling with a school sponsored organization can be fun as well as taking a road trip (follow this link to read post-Spring Break 2007 entry about two UMass students' road trip turned hitchhiking experience and its Eco-friendly benefits). No matter the destination, sunny or snowy, expensive or cost-cutting, college kids are going to have fun.
College students and even those that do not identify themselves as such, tell us about your plans for Spring Break 2008! Please comment below and share with those still planning their itineraries what's hot and what's not this travel season.
Visit often and check out new and updated ideas for Spring Break travel.
Get in touch with the University of Massachusetts Career Services Director Jeff Silver: today to learn more about the NYC day trip and other internship opportunities.
Get in touch with the University of Massachusetts Career Services Director Jeff Silver: today to learn more about the NYC day trip and other internship opportunities.
Actually the whole state is crowded and the best beaches are south in mexico.
california's good if your talking about goin up north to san francisco and the countryside but i wouldn't suggest going to L.A. for a spring break beach party.
haha...I'm hysterically awkward on camera
as a passionate traveler, not a tourist, may i suggest one of my favorite sites for travel options. go to
i can personally recommend this because i have used it many times. example. 688.00USD roundtrip with
room and breakfast to Antiqua, Guatemala. this was for two persons! it is easy to use and fun.
I am going to take a couple days and go up north to Jay Peak & work a couple of days make that drining money for the rest of the semester
My Spring Break memories...Daytona Beach riding in cars on the sand and sleeping out on the beach every night. No one bothered you even if you lit a campfire---those were the days. It was 1978 and the best thing ever was coming back to school the day the blizzard hit and we had no classes for the next10 days!
Do people still take buses down to Florida from our local schools? Just wondering cuz you can never (nor do you want to) go back.
i went to a dance convention in RI for a weekend and then up to the mountains for a day trip. Other than that i stayed home and relaxed
I'm going to northern California (with my lover) to visit my brother, in Sacramento. Then wine tasting and possibly spring skiing in Lake Tahoe. I can't wait!
Im going to Alcapoco Mexico which I am extremely excited about. Im sure Ill be crying later when I return from my trip and have to face my credit card bill. It will all be worth it in the end though! :-)
I'm too broke to go anywhere warm, so I will head north and ski my heart out for the week!
in Sacramento, California for the first time...anyone who hasn't been to Cali should make it out here asap
endless sunshine, more day trips than you could ever wish for, and the most relaxing place (esp. versus Boston) I've been to in a long time
Northern California to visit family , S calif to meet up with college friends to see UCLA begin their quest to another NCAA Men's basketball championship, and finally to celebrate my uncles 87 th in Palm Springs recently marked their 10th year in business and celebrated with the launch of SkyBlogs on their site.
"Welcome to This is the home page for all of the SkyAuction employee blogs...There are currently 4 blogs that you can browse."
The University of Massachusetts Amherst encourages students to share Spring Break '08 photos in an advertisement on the University's homepage (
The premise behind the photo sharing is great, but I am not 100% sure that this specific outlet is appropriate for all college Spring Breakers.
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