Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Patrick Stiegman, Executive Editor of ESPN.com spoke at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Journalism lecture series Monday evening addressing the topic of convergence in the media.

As we all begin to converge, popular and highly trafficked sites like Stiegman's ESPN.com is already ten steps ahead of their competition. Their latest venture reaches out to bloggers anywhere interested in putting their "sports cents" in from athletic legal struggles to the teams of cricket. But with all things there are rules. The following is not specific to ESPN.com's new blogging forum, but touches upon the overall terms of use according to the Walt Disney Internet Group.

You are and shall remain solely responsible for the User-Generated Content submitted and/or posted under your user name or otherwise by you in any Public Forum and for the consequences of submitting and posting same. You acknowledge that the use of User-Generated Content posted in any Public Forum is at your own risk. For example, we are not responsible for, and we do not endorse, the opinions, advice or recommendations posted or sent by users in any Public Forum and we specifically disclaim any and all liability in connection therewith.


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